Consultation and Public Speaking

Learning to Work with Clients


Dr. Williams offers consultation services to both clients (who may or not be in therapy with another therapist) and mental health professionals. Consultation can best be defined as meeting with an expert in a field to obtain an opinion or advice.

Diagnostic Consultation: Dr. Williams is available to do specialized consultations for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and dissociative disorders, in order to clarify diagnoses.

Therapeutic Consultation: Clients and therapists who are working in trauma based therapies for complex PTSD and dissociative disorders can at times find themselves "stuck". Dr. Williams can consult with patient and therapist to determine ways for therapy to get back on a productive track.

For Mental Health Professionals: Dr. Williams consults with other therapists (both individually and in group) regarding cases of individuals suffering from severe trauma related conditions (complex PTSD and Dissociative Disorders), as well as Personality Disorders.

Public Speaking

Dr. Williams does public speaking regarding trauma related conditions, as promotion of self-care to avoid burnout. She is available to do 3 hour or 6 hour CEU workshops.

Previous Workshop titles include:
Treatment & Assessment of Complex PTSD and Dissociative clients
Sexual abuse: Sequlae, Signs, and Symptoms
Burnout: Signs, Symptoms & Self Care Solutions

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If you live in Atlanta are are having trouble understanding why you're feeling what you're feeling, Dr. Williams can help you put the pieces together.

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Highland Psychological Services - Location

Dr. Williams is located only blocks from Freedom Parkway and from the Virginia-Highland neighborhood. Get directions